As of today, Godtear has a very important number of champions in the game. Luella brings the count to a clean 18 - a number that may normally not sound clean, but actually allows us for the first time to play a very special format.
Full Game Showmatch Draft
In Full Game Showmatch Draft, you and a rival take turns, alternating picks, drafting from all 18 champions in the game. At the end, you will each have 9 champions, the exact amount you need to perform a best of 3 match using three separate 3v3 crews.
• Randomly choose a player to get first pick. The other player will get to choose first or second in the first game of the match.
• Randomly choose 3 different scenarios. The scenarios chosen, in the order they are chosen, will be the scenarios played over the course of the match.
• Starting with the first player, each player alternates drafting champions from all of the currently released champions until all champions have been chosen.
• Each round, players simultaneously reveal a 3-champion team made of champions they have drafted and have not yet played.
• For the second and third round, the loser of the previous round determines if they will go first or second.
• All three rounds are played regardless of who wins the first two - the goal is to see all the champions in action and determine who is ultimately the God tier pilot.
I had the pleasure of playing the world's first Full Game Showmatch against one of my good friends, and most talented tabletop gamers I know, Matt Bauers. Over the next four articles, I am going to document and report on our Showmatch games, starting with the draft portion in today's article.
The Draft
Pick Order
Matt won the roll, and got to pick first.

Matt - Raith Marid
The number one champ, no surprise.

Elliot - Shayle
I wanted to go into the draft with strong champions that had powerful effects, and a limited number of what I viewed as counterpicks. There are a handful of champions I think that go really well into Shayle, but my opponent can't have all of them, and he can't guarantee they will be brought in the same matchup I bring Shayle.

One of Matt's favorite Champions, Finvarr is versatile and not particularly vulnerable to anything.

One of the most highly coveted Slayers, I wanted him as early as possible.

The longest range champion in the game, Lorsann brings a lot to the table if she can't be squashed.

More than anything, I wanted the frogloytes - their ability to block hexes can be a huge pain, and if I can stop Matt from getting someone adept at dealing with them like Jeen, an even larger pain.
One third through the draft, and we each have a game's worth of champions drafted. Now, we aren't locked into using these champions together, but with our first three picks hopefully we are happy fitting these champions into a variety of lineups. Interestingly, we each drafted 3 different classes of champion; and each from the same suites.
Matt has some really versatile and powerful champions. The squad by itself would be a menacing one to face, and each champion can be a great fit in pretty much any lineup. Everything Matt has looks scarily flexible so far.

The first Maelstrom taken, and it's one of our favorites. A ton of utility that lets you push your own champions, slice through followers, or push them around at will.

Sneaky Peet
An effective counter to Shayle and a stand-up slayer in his own right, I wanted to grab Peet before Matt could.

A second Maelstrom quickly follows into the fold. In addition to being solid on her own, she also will play well into Halftusk if he can line up the matchup.

With a growing Maelstrom deficit, I wanted champions with followers that were resilient to their threat. Quartzlings are hard to kill and sometimes just disappear into the ground.

An extremely popular champ in the first Slam Jam draft (only slightly behind Raith'Marid in total picks), it was surprising to see him so late. But he arrived, and he's not on my side.

I went long into the tank for this one, and felt satisfied with my pick when Matt let out an audible expletive at the choice. Got her one pick ahead of where he wanted her.
At the 2/3 mark, I've rounded out my crew a little more, and feel satisfied that I have two of both my favorite Slayers and Shapers. I'm a huge fan of the Shaper playstyle, so I'm glad that I picked up Nia in addition to Shayle. Heading into the final stretch I feel like I have a solid basis for any squads that I may want to put together against Matt.
Matt, on the other hand, has already picked up 2/4 of the AoE capable Malestroms. This gives him not only a ton of power versus any followers I may potentially pick; it leaves his squads fairly care-free to the threat of follower-squashing yellows. In addition, he picked up Mourneblade, a specific but powerful champion that can be hard to counter. With one of his best counters already owned by Matt (Lorsann with her long-range auto-wound), Mourneblade looks prime to dominate.

It wasn't long before I was letting out my own expletives. 75% of the AoE Maelstroms have gone to Matt.

I continue with another pick along the strategy of difficult to kill followers.

With all of the Maelstroms, Matt can now take advantage of the other side of his picks which is abusing the champions weak to them. Hexlings are abundant and yet easy to kill, but with a lack of good threats on my side they can now run free.

I have to take my overall favorite Maelstrom before Matt gets a chance to take him too. I think of Grimgut as a Shaper in baggy clothes; so he fits right in with my style.

With the second to last pick Matt throws a curve-ball and takes Morrigan. We both think the Champions are extremely balanced; but we tend to see Morrigan towards the bottom of a very tight scale. But like Rattlebones, the Cold Ones are largely weak to Maelstroms which I just don't have.

The only forced pick of the draft, I get Keera. Like anyone released in the game, I'm happy to play her, and looking forward to getting lots of kills.

The final squads are chosen and we're ready to face off on three different scenarios. Who do you think will come out on top? Who do you want to come out on top? Any idea which champions will be brought to which scenario? Did you agree with the picks?! Let us know this and more; and we will be back soon with the first battle report.